Events — Virtual Programs
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Join us for practical tips to help you minimize distractions, optimize your student environment and make the most of your valuable time. You will leave this workshop feeling empowered and equipped with skills to increase your productivity.

Feeling stuck this semester? We can help. This workshop will discuss the top academic mistakes that students make and give you strategies to get back on track.

What is your time management persona? Not sure? Attend this workshop to find out, as well as learn what tools can help you become – and stay – caught up.

Don't let stress hold you back from achieving your goals. Join us to learn about the types of stress, symptoms of stress and techniques to manage it. You will leave this workshop with new ways to cope with stress.

Gratitude has been proven to have a positive impact on mood and stress. Join us to learn simple strategies to bring more gratitude into your everyday life.

The best defense is a good offense! This workshop will give you tips on what to do before, during, and after tests — including study tips, test taking strategies, and why what you do after a test matters.